Nootropics: Towards a More Productive Brain


What are Nootropics?

Nootropics have one function: boosting cognitive abilities by improving your mental state. They are also known under the term ‘smart drugs’, as each nootropic compound has unique effects and profiles that individuals can use for different purposes.

The term ‘nootropic’ comes from the Greek words ‘nous’ which means mind and ‘trepein’ which means bend. It was coined by Romanian chemist Corneliu Giurgea who considered that nootropics must enhance learning and memory, increase brain function under conditions that are considered disruptive, avoid physical or chemical injury by protecting the brain, and have a low amount of toxic, sedative or stimulating effects.

The common usage of the term can be applied to substances that provide cognitive benefits. These benefits can be wide ranging, for example Piracetam increases alertness, provides better vocabulary recollection, increases thought articulation, boosts motivation and lessens social anxiety while Aniracetam is recommended for the creatively inclined in that it makes thoughts clearer and more fluid and boosts creative inspiration.

How do Nootropics Work?

Though nootropics come in powders and capsules, and it is important to note that they are not medicines which you take when you’re sick to get better. They should be thought of as supplements to help increase brain function. They affect the brain by increasing the number of neurotransmitters which in turn improves neuroplasticity. Nootropics also increase glutamate, acetylcholine, serotonin, and dopamine which provide increased cognitive function.

Benefits of Nootropics

Brain chemistry is a complex thing. Everyone has different reactions to nootropics and the effects are fairly mild. Nootropics aren’t meant to be stimulants like medications such as Adderall, instead they increase cognitive performance in relation to your baseline. This means that there is an increase in performance from when you take nootropics compared to when you don’t take them.

The benefits of nootropics for individuals that take them include:

  • Increases productivity and motivation
  • Neuroprotective effects (Supporting brain health)
  • Increases mind-body coordination
  • Enhances sensory perception
  • Improves blood circulation in the brain
  • Enhances verbal communication skills
  • Decreases stress levels
  • Regulates mood (Aids with anxiety and depression)
  • Boots social ability
  • Improves mental clarity

Considerations When Taking Nootropics

The way your brain chemistry interacts with certain chemical compounds like nootropics is complex. Depending on the dose or the time taken nootropics can have different effects.

There are reported side effects that individuals experience when taking nootropics, these include headaches, nausea, habit forming tendencies, tolerance building and allergic reactions. Nootropics are not toxic in nature, but care has to be taken in regards to the quantity and frequency of imbibing the nootropics.

High doses of nootropics have risks of side effects that outweigh the benefits of taking them. It is advised that you start with a few nootropics at a time to find the optimal dosage for your individual use. There are people that would want to take a nootropic more than once a day to continue its effect, caution must be taken when frequent use is involved as your body might develop a tolerance to the substance or may form dependency leading to withdrawal like symptoms if stopped suddenly.

Exploring the World of Nootropics

Nootropic products come in different shapes and sizes. Nootrobrain for example is a formula combining different nootropic ingredients. Noopept is a potent nootropic that has very pronounced memory improvement. Oxiracetam has higher stimulating properties when compared to other nootropics, improving both short and long term memory as well as boosting mood. It pays to research the effects and side effects that will optimize nootropics for your personal use.

Where to Buy Nootropics Online

There are many different types of nootropics on the market that are available online:

  1. Pure Nootropics
  3. Nootrobrain
  4. Nootropics Depot