Best Keto Beginners Guide and Resources

When we first heard about the Ketogenic or Keto Diet, we thought it was just a fad.

We didn't think we could do it because we didn't want to give up sweets (we don't have to)! But as we read and learned more about it, we realized… my gosh! We needed to try it.

The Keto diet breaks the vicious cycle of relying on sugar for short-term energy and helps transform our bodies to a fat burner! That means our bodies will literally use fat for energy. And you know what that means? Weight loss and body fat loss. Yup.

Apart from that, the Keto diet has been scientifically linked to mental clarity and boosting energy. That is, if you keep on and and go through the first week or two on the diet! As any diet, your body will need to adjust to your new way of eating so a lot of people go through a transition phase called keto flu. However, don't give up! Once your body is used to it, you won't feel hungry all the time and you'll reap the benefits of high energy and fat loss.

As with most things, the hardest part we believe, is starting. There are a TON of resources and guides on Keto but we believe it's important to focus on reliable resources that give you the right guidance and easy to follow steps.



Healthful Pursuit's The Keto Beginning


Created by hollistic nutritionist, Leanne Vogel, this guide offers an in-depth introduction to Keto (what Keto is, its basis and how it works, what it does to our bodies), steps on how to get into and maintain ketosis using a low-carb, high-fat, moderate protein, and whole food-based approach. And this is what sets her apart – she recommends using local, fresh, organic foods that are unprocessed (or minimally processed) and unrefined.

The guide has shopping lists, a 30-day meal plan, and recipes too! We also love that in addition to her guide, you can get access to her private Facebook support group which we think is critical in starting your Keto journey because you may feel confused or lost and it's nice to have a community to be with you in your journey.

We think the book is well-written, well-planned, fun to read, easy to understand and answers all our doubts and questions as beginners! Are you ready? This book shows you the path to discovering your body's happy place! 🙂



Keto Summit's 3-2-1 Keto Meal Plans

Like us, you might come to a stage where you've learned about Keto… and then what? You think, “How do I prepare my meals?” or “What can I eat?”

Luckily, Keto Summit has come up with the Keto Meal Plans. You get 14 Keto meals per week emailed to you (plus optional breakfast recipes/meals). There are 30 or fewer total ingredients each week. And the best part, there are less than 20g of net carbs per day so you can stay in nutritional ketosis, keep burning fat, and never have to count a thing!

We just love how this saves us a LOT of time figuring out what to eat, what we can buy in the groceries, counting macros, etc. We all live busy lives and we love hacks as this one!

We honestly think this makes it so much easier to start, but more so being able to stick to the diet!


Ketologie's 21 Day Keto Kickstart Program

This program is meant for beginners but also for those that have slid away from the ketogenic way of eating and need to reboot their system.

Okay so are you ready? Signing up for this program not only gives you the guidance and information you need, but it actually comes with actual sweet and savory products that can be consumed on their own or can be used as ingredients to craft your meals! Now that is a hack we're talking about!

It comes with keto shakes, bone broths, a recipe book, meal planner, the keto 101 ebook, a ketologie shaker, and keto emails that are part of an education series. All you need to get started or get back on the keto track. Seriously!


In going keto or as with anything, starting is indeed the hardest part. But once you get that out of the way, you'll find the rest much easier. And these guides are here to help you in the journey. You are not alone! But really, JUST START. 🙂

Good luck and feel free to share your journey with us in the comments below!